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Category:Battle System

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

(Redirected from Battle venues)
Battle Button.png

Battle, a primary game component, allows Trainers to fight other players and automated opponents to obtain rewards and game progress. This page provides an overview of Battle, the Battle System interface, and each battle venue.


Early game battle venues are accessed by pressing:

  • The Battle (Old) Icon.png button, for the Campaign (appears at Player Level 1).
  • The Dragon League Icon.png button, for the Dragon League (appears at Player Level 11).

At Player Level 16, the above move to the Battle System, which is accessed by pressing:

  • The Battle Button.png button (bottom-left of main screen).

Note: The Bottomless Dungeon and Sigil Campaign appear in the Battle System menu at Player Level 16 but are locked until Player Level 20.


The fully unlocked Battle System interface houses 4 buttons.

Campaign Button.png Sigil Campaign Button.png
Arena Button.jpg Dungeon Button.png

  1. The Campaign button, to open whichever Campaign Map mode was last used (top-left).
  2. The Sigil Campaign button, to open the current Sigil Campaign event if one is in-progress (top-right).
  3. The Dragon League button, to open the current Dragon League iteration (bottom-left).
  4. The Bottomless Dungeon button, to open the current dungeon iteration (bottom-right).

Above the 4 main interface items is the x button, to close the interface.

General Battle Mechanics

The general mechanics of battle apply to almost all venues and going into battle requires energy units: Portal Energy Icon.png for Campaign Map Quests, Arena Energy Icon.png for fights in the Dragon League, and Sigil Energy Icon.png in the Sigil Campaign.

Before going into battle, one Dragon can be trained to be the Champion. Training lasts for two hours (or until an alternate Dragon is trained) and it temporarily increases the Dragon's Health and Attack. Trainers that have achieved VIP Level 3 or higher have the option to train regularly or use the auto-training option.

Battle Team

It is essential to have the proper Dragon team built up when going into battle. Dragons need to be raised to Level 4 or higher before they can participate in battle. A minimum of six Dragons should be chosen and prepared for battles. Only three are needed for regular battles, but six are needed to complete the Bottomless Dungeon. Dragons should be selected according to their level and the strength of abilities against various opposing teams. Once a team of Dragons is selected, the Dragons need to be properly levelled and trained.

Several factors should be considered when levelling, selecting or training a team. A Dragon's level and Enchantment Level should be comparable to the opponents it battles. Selecting a team that is more than one or two levels (depending on Elemental or Sigil abilities) below the opposing Dragons can easily result in defeat.

Having a Dragon's Elemental skills built up is vital. These abilities should be raised to the highest level at the Dragon Academy, as quickly as possible. Increased Elemental abilities allow the Dragon to do more damage and provide better defenses in battle, as well as the ability to affect multiple targets. The highest level of skills also provide the added benefit of long-term effects and other advantages. Before a battle, the opposing team, along with their levels and abilities, is usually shown. This information may be used to strategize and select a team with abilities that have strong attacks. Trainers should select their team carefully based on the composition of the opposing team.

Team Planner The DML Planner Team Planner provides a way to plan a Dragon Battle team that covers all or most Elements at least once. Doing this can provide a well-rounded battle team for the Dungeon, and may help reduce the difficulty encountered in Events that restrict Dragons used in battle by Element, such as in Castle Events, and Boss Challenge Events.

Read more about this sister project, the DML Planner made by Toomas, a DML community member.

Dragon League Battle.png
Battle Team Slots

Pressing the   Select Team   button opens a teams screen, with groupings for six different teams of Dragons. Each team has three slots that can be filled by tapping a slot and then selecting a Dragon. The same Dragon can be assigned to different teams, but not the same team twice (unless using a duplicate Dragon). Team groupings allow the Trainer to choose different team configuration favorites by filling each slot and then pressing the   Select   button on their desired team, or they can use the Auto-select button which auto-selects the Trainer's three strongest Dragons.

Battle Team Slots.png  Battle Team Slots.png  Battle Team Slots.png

Battle Team Slots.png  Battle Team Slots.png  Battle Team Slots.png

Engaging the Battle

When going into battle, one to three Dragons can be selected to participate. Dragons currently in the Dragon Vault cannot participate in battles. In all battles, the Trainer always has the first strike. Regardless of the battle venue, the opposing Dragons always start with 100% health, have a 20% chance of missing, and a 60% chance of not using defensive skills. Additionally, opposing Dragons never inflict perfect hits. Lastly, all battles can be sped up using the x1 button. The Speed-Up button is available starting with Quest 3 (The Great Plains) in Normal Mode Icon.png Normal Mode and toggles between x1, x2 and x4 speeds.

In wave battles, the Trainer encounters fights with two sets of enemy Dragons. These battles act the same as regular battles, the difference being that the second wave begins immediately after the first is defeated. The Trainer must defeat both waves to win the battle.

Dragon Level and Enchantment Level restrictions do not apply to the opposing Dragons operated by the game AI; thus, these Dragons can be higher than Level 100. Furthermore, Dragons which are normally not eligible for a certain Enchantment Level can be encountered with it.

Once the battle is engaged, the strength of an attack is determined by selecting one of the Elemental abilities of the attacking Dragon. This highlights a broken ring under each of the opposing Dragons.

Hit Types
Attack Bar.png

Once an attack is chosen, a curved gauge appears showing gray, green, and red sections. An arrow moves from the bottom of the gauge to the top, and tapping the screen stops the arrow from moving and either strikes or misses. If the screen has not been tapped before the arrow reaches the top of the gauge, it caused the strike to occur.

Where the arrow lands in the colored sections determines its status:

  •     – Perfect hit, damage inflicted is equal to between 105% and 110% of the attacking Dragon's strength (assuming there are no multipliers).
  •     – Miss, no damage dealt.
  •     – Regular hit, the damage inflicted is equal to the attacking Dragon's strength (assuming there are no multipliers).

Landing seven perfect hits on the opponent activates Dragon Fury. The number of hits acquired and still needed to achieve Dragon Fury is shown as a bar at the bottom left of the screen. This attack can be used to deliver several blows against all three opposing Dragons at once. Dragon Fury is activated immediately using Dragon Fury Essence Icon.png Dragon Fury Essence, without having to strike any perfect hits beforehand.

Health Bar
Full Health Bar.png
Empty Health Bar.png
Damage Preview Health Bar.png

The health bar of each Dragon indicates how much health they have remaining. Available health is shown in green, and missing health is shown in gray. When the Trainer hovers over an opposing Dragon with an attack, the bar indicates in red how much health that Dragon will lose following the inflicted damage of a successful normal hit.

Attack Strength

An attack has one of 3 different strength levels: which depends on the attacking Element and the first (or base) Element of the target Dragon.

Colored symbols appear on targets in battle, indicating attack strength:

  • Strong Attack – Green ring below, green sword icon – 50% damage bonus Strong Attack Symbol.png
  • Normal Attack – Yellow ring below, no sword icon – no damage bonus Neutral Attack Symbol.png
  • Weak Attack – Red ring below, red shield icon – damage reduced by 50% Weak Attack Symbol.png
Important Icon.png
Dragon attack strength is further enhanced through Leveling, Training, Skills, Enchantment, and Sigils.
Auto (Battle)

Battle can be automated in most battle venues, and is done before a battle using the Battle (Old) Icon.png Auto Checkbox.png button. Pressing the button (or checkbox) toggles on the Checkbox.png checkbox, causing the automatic battle setting to persist on all subsequent battles until it is again unchecked. Auto-battle mode can also be toggled when in battle in most venues, by pressing the Auto Button.png Auto button. When using automatic battle, the game's AI plays the Trainer's Dragons as well as the opponent's Dragons. Automatic battle has a 5% chance of missing during an attack.

The Dragon Fury meter is filled if an automated attack is considered a perfect hit, though these do not count for tasks and quests.
The AI uses the Dragon Fury, distributed equally on all opponents, making 45–55 hits in total.

Battle Venues


Campaign Button.png

The main story, contained in a series of Campaign (battle) Quests called the Campaign, is spread across islands occupied by enemies, for the Trainer to complete, freeing Dragolandia. The Campaign Map can be played in different modes, namely Normal Mode Icon.png Normal Mode, Heroic Mode Icon.png Heroic Mode, and Nightmare Mode Icon.png Nightmare Mode. Once a mode is chosen, the Trainer can engage in battle by selecting any available Main Quest Icon.png Main Quest or Side Quest Icon.png Side Quest or any occupied Mine Icon.png Mine (if available in the selected mode).

See Campaign Map for more information.

Going to Battle

When a Main Quest, Side Quest, or an occupied mine is selected, the name of the quest or mine is shown, as well as the enemy occupier (only mines), the in-game number of the quest (only Main or Side Quests), the level, rarity, Elements, skills (excluding the mastery), Enchantment Level, and Sigils of their Dragons, and the  Attack!  button. Once the attack button is pressed, the pre-battle screen appears. From here, the Trainer can see their high score and stars earned (applicable to mines only if they were previously conquered at some point; otherwise the stars are grayed out Score Star Gray Icon.png), the in-game number of the quest or mine, the allied and opposing characters, the rewards, and several options to choose from.

From the pre-battle screen, the Trainer can choose to:

  • Change any Dragon taken into battle by pressing a Dragon's snapshot.
  • View a currently selected Dragon's info by pressing the Dragon Codex Icon.png  Info  button.
  • Hire a friend's Dragon by selecting the  Hire  button.
  • Enable automatic battle by pressing the Battle (Old) Icon.png Auto Checkbox.png button.
  • Refill battle energy by pressing the + button.
  • Engage in battle by pressing the  Battle Portal Energy Icon.png button.

Additionally, the following options are found on the same screen:

  •  Select Team  for selecting 1 of 6 possible battle teams.
  • Ranking Icon.png opens a screen displaying three different tabs:
    •  Friends  for the Trainer to compare their high score to that of the Trainer's friends from their list.
    •  Global  to compare their high score to all Trainers (on the same platform and server) that have previously conquered this mine.
    • Competitors to compare high score to Trainers that are near the Trainer in the rankings.
    • The option to view and compare rankings is also made available in the top-left corner of the screen after a battle is over.
  • Element Information Button.png for information about Element strengths and weaknesses.
  • i for viewing information on scoring battle points.
  • x to close the battle interface.

The top 3 Dragons of the Trainer are included in the calculation that determines the level of the opposing Dragons in Side Quests, while the top 6 Dragons are considered for mines. On the Campaign Map, wave battles are only encountered starting with the sixth campaign island.

Battle Cost

It costs 1 unit of energy to engage in a battle on Normal Mode Icon.png Normal Mode and two units of energy for a battle on Heroic Mode Icon.png Heroic Mode or Nightmare Mode Icon.png Nightmare Mode mode. In addition to its use to start battles, Trainers can also use Portal Energy to hire a friend's Dragon to aid in battle.

Hiring Dragons

If Trainers have enough Battle Energy, they can opt to hire a friend's Dragon before going into battle. The Dragon automatically listed for hire from each friend is always be the most powerful they have. This option can be useful for battles against stronger opponents where success is questionable with the available team. If the selected Dragon is trained as the champion when hired, the temporary benefits of increased Health and Attack do not carry over during the battle. However, any Enchantment or Elemental abilities the Dragon has acquired are included for the duration. The hired Dragon is only available for that battle and is not available to hire again for 24 hours, regardless of whether it participated in battle or not. The 24-hour waiting period can be bypassed only by paying with Gems Icon.png Gems. The Dragon automatically appears in battle only after one of the Trainer's Dragons is defeated, replacing that Dragon, or if the Trainer has two or fewer Dragons on their team.

Hiring Dragons is done by pressing the  Hire  button in the pre-battle screen. This opens a list where the Trainer can see each friend's strongest Dragon and its rarity, level, Elements, skill level, and Enchantment Level. The Trainer can choose to hire a Dragon by pressing the  Hire Portal Energy Icon.png button to the right of that Dragon. The amount of energy needed to hire the Dragon is shown on the button. If the Dragon is too tired to fight, the Skip Gems Icon.png option is shown, and the Trainer can pay to speed up Speed-Up Arrow Icon.png the waiting time and use that Dragon immediately. Energy is only consumed when the battle is started and not when the Dragon is hired; thus the Trainer can, at any time before commencing the battle, replace the hired Dragon. Additionally, in this same list, if the Trainer does not have their account connected to Facebook, they have the  Connect  option. If the Trainer modifies their team after hiring a friend's Dragon, the hiring slot is reset; thus the Trainer must rehire that Dragon.

Hiring Dragons is not available on the last island of either map.

Hiring Costs
Dragon Level
Portal Energy
1-5 1
6-11 2
12-15 3
16-20 4
21-29 5
30-35 6
36-70 7
71-100 9
Instant Win

Trainers that have achieved VIP Level Icon.png VIP Level 6 or higher have the option to battle regularly or use the fight-skipping option on any quest previously won with three stars, excluding mines. The Instant Win function only applies to the Campaign Map (Normal and Heroic Modes). By pressing the  Instant Win  1 Instant Win Ticket Icon.png button, the battle portion of the quest is skipped, providing an automatic win with three stars. Tickets that are not used by the reset time are permanently lost. Instant Win Tickets are automatically refilled each day at 00:00 UTC.

There is also a limit to how many free Instant Win Tickets Icon.png Instant Win Tickets are available per day and a limit to how many can be purchased each day, which depends on the Trainer's VIP Level. Purchasing extra tickets costs 5 Gems Icon.png Gems per ticket.

VIP Level 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Free/Day 3 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 25 30 35 40
Purchase Limit/Day 3 7 9 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 100

Sigil Campaign

Sigil Campaign Button.png

The Sigil Campaign, part of the Sigil System, is both an Event and a battle venue that unlocks when a Trainer reaches Player Level 20 and has Sigils Icon.png Sigils equipped. Participation provides a series of battles to defeat the final boss and win the Reward of the Month. Initiating a Sigil Campaign battle costs 1 Sigil Energy. Progressing on the map, the Trainer completes Sigil-equipped battles until they can no longer win battles, or they reach the end of the map and the Reward of the Month Dragon is obtained. Every month, the map progress is reset. The difficulty of the new map is based on the Trainer's progress from the previous month. The game detects the last boss defeated and calculates the next iteration's starting point based on the four Boss battles before that.

See Sigil System and Sigil Campaign for more information.

Note: The Auto button for automatic battle is not available on the Sigil Campaign.

Arena (Dragon League)

Arena Button.jpg

The Dragon League, part of the Battle System, is a battling competition between dragons hosted in the Arena building. It is is at Trainer Level 11, and requires at least 3 adult Dragons to participate. Competition in the Dragon League occurs through the month and runs on a global leaderboard for 4 weeks, referred to as an Arena Season. Four weekly Arena Events occur in this time, allowing Leaderboard Prizes to be won.

See Dragon League for more information.

Going to Battle

Selecting the Battle option proceeds to the battle selection screen, where three opponent teams are presented. If the Trainer does not want to face any of the opponent teams, the  Free Refresh  button may be pressed to refresh opponent teams for free, once every 24 hours. Additional refreshes may be purchased using the Refresh  5 Gems Icon.png button, in exchange for 5 Gems Icon.png Gems each.

Pressing the Battle (Old) Icon.png Challenge button on a battle opens the pre-battle screen with the option to:

  • Change a Dragon by pressing its snapshot.
  • View the Element Bonus if applicable.
  • Enable automatic battle by pressing the Battle (Old) Icon.png Auto Checkbox.png button.
  • Attack by pressing the Attack!  1 Arena Energy Icon.png button for a regular attack.
  • Perform a "focus attack" battle, with a 50% increase in the damage inflicted for the duration of the battle, by pressing the Focus Attack
    +50% DMG 2 Arena Energy Icon.png

Additionally, the following options can be found on the same screen:

If all 3 of a Trainer's Dragons are defeated in battle, the Trainer can choose to revive all 3 Dragons for a cost of 8 Gems Icon.png Gems by pressing Revive Gems Icon.png, or to conclude the battle by pressing the Give Up button. If the trainer opts to revive all 3 Dragons, the Dragons return to battle with 100% health.

Win Streak

Each time a Dragon League match is won, a Win Streak is started or continued. A Win Streak is a series of unbroken or uninterrupted wins, without defeat or exiting mid-battle. If a match is won in the next 15 minutes, the streak continues. Every three consecutive victories, up to the 20th, in addition to the bonus to the battle score from next victories, a reward is earned, which depends on the current League.

  • The Arena Expert Badge.png Arena Expert badge is earned by achieving a win-streak of 20 for the first time.

See Dragon League for more information.

Bottomless Dungeon

Dungeon Button.png

The Bottomless Dungeon is a building run by Otto the Dungeon Master, found on the northwest side of Tycoon Island. The dungeon allows Trainers to complete a series of tasks in battle, against endless waves of opponents, to obtain currency and other prizes. Each iteration typically lasts 7 days, starting each Friday at 12:00 UTC and ending on the following Friday at the same hour. Trainer Level 16 must be reached to access the building.

See Bottomless Dungeon for more information.


See Campaign Map for more information.

For battle scoring, see one of the pages below for the corresponding venue:


For battle rewards, see one of the pages below for the corresponding venue:

VIP Status Increase

Rewards on the Campaign Map and Bottomless Dungeon are affected by the Trainer's VIP Status. When active, the Trainer receives a 50% increase to the rewards received after winning battles. If inactive, the Trainer has the  Buy VIP Ticket  option right after the battle to purchase VIP tickets. Activating the status through that option after the battle does not give the additional rewards that would have been given for winning that particular battle had the Trainer's VIP Status already been active.


Arya.png From time to time, you can hire your friends' best dragon to help you advance.
Arya.png Get as many friends as you can, but don't worry! Toby of the Swamp can always help you.
Indicator Arrow Icon.png (Press the Hire button for Toby's Dragon)
Arya.png Note that hiring friends' dragons consumes extra Portal Energy!
Arya.png The Helper Dragon will appear when your first dragon gets defeated. Now let's fight!



  • Update 8.0: Offset the appearance of Dragons in battle, so the targeting circle below each Dragon is no longer entirely hidden by other Dragons
  • Update 7.0: Added a checkbox to the Auto button, so it remains in auto battle mode when checked, and duplicated the button from inside the battle screen to the pre-battle screen.
    • Changed the Auto-select button to be a Select Team button, where battle team slots are now housed, and moved the Auto-select feature into this secondary screen. Available are now 6 team slots instead of the former 3
  • Update 6.7: Added an Auto button for the AI to operate the Trainer's team (in addition to the opposing team) in battle
  • Update 6.9: Fixed the position of Skill icons, so they display correctly
  • Update 6.2: The Dragon League was merged with the Enchantment League-Pre 6.2 and an option to revive all Dragons upon Trainer defeat was added
  • Update 6.0: Grouped all Battle components together in the Battle System to reduce interface clutter (initially labeled Combat and later renamed Battle)
  • Update 5.9: Introduced a x4 speed option, making the Speed-Up button toggle through 1x, 2x and 4x speed
  • Update 5.3: Made the Dragon Info combat panel close by tapping anywhere outside the panel itself, except when tapping one’s own dragons.
    • Made "Strong/Normal/Weak Attack" text no longer appear at Player Level 15.
    • Unified the font of combat text and slightly increased ability icon size for better readability on smaller screens
  • Update 5.2: Added Dragon Info combat panels that, tapped during combat, display Dragon’s stats and skills.
    • Reworked the screen that appears before battle begins
  • Update 4.6: Discontinued the Clockwork Dungeon and introduced the Bottomless Dungeon
  • Update 4.4: Renamed Skip Fight to Instant Win
  • Update 4.2: Altered and enhanced the graphical aspect of pre-battle and post-battle interfaces of Campaign Map Quests, Dragon League, and Clockwork Dungeon fights.
    • Changed it so only Dragons that are stored in the Dragon Vault are not eligible for battling. Before this update, Dragons that were preoccupied with timed actions such as exploring ruins, breeding, and other processes of this kind were not available until the said process was finished
  • Update 4.0: Modified the pre-battle interface of the Enchantment League so that the strongest defender is displayed instead of a randomly featured defender.
    • Focus Attack now modifies the Attack of a Dragon rather than its Health.
    • The scoring system for the Dragon League was reworked
  • Update 3.7: Replaced the Select button with the Change button in the Enchantment League pre-battle interface
  • Update 3.6: Added ability to resume battles if gameplay is paused for a short period
  • Update 3.3: Added Auto (Battle) for battles.
    • Made the x2 button remains active until turned off again
  • Update 3.2: Added x2 Battle speed up button.
  • Update 2.8: Changed the Hire a Friend’s Dragons screen to show Dragon Enchantment Level
  • Update 2.7: Introduced ad video watching in exchange for more rewards after defeating Campaign Map and Clockwork Dungeon quests
  • Update 2.3: Changed the order of Elements in battle, the base Element was moved to the middle, the secondary Element at the top, and the last Element at the bottom
  • Update 1.9: Modified the attack bar to prevent automatic misses
  • Update 1.8: Added the Instant Win feature as part of the newly introduced VIP levels
  • Update 1.3: Changed battles so opponents no longer prefer defensive skills over offensive ones, becoming generally more offensive.
    • Gave the Trainer the first strike
  • Update 1.2: Reversed the order of Elements in battle, the base Element was no longer at the bottom.
    • Also made the skills of all enemy Dragons visible before and during battle


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Pages in category "Battle System"

The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.

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