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Player Level

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

(Redirected from Habitat Limit)
Level Bar.png

Player Level (also known as Trainer Level) is a progress indicator, displaying the overall status of a player, starting at Level 1 and maxing out at Level 160.

See Dragon Leveling for information about leveling Dragons.

Current Level

Player Profile Icon.png

The current Player Level appears in different formats in different places in the game. The player's level appears first as a number at the right of the avatar on the main islands screen. The number displays within a star representing Experience Icon.png Experience points, which are tied to Player Level, and its progress indicator represented by a bar that wraps around the avatar circle. Progress in the circle is filled in blue, where progress yet to be achieved before leveling up appears in lighter gray.

The current level also appears on the Trainer's Player Profile Icon.png Player Profile or its subsequent Hall of Fame (level rewards) interface, where it is represented instead by a straight progress bar.


Each level requires a set number of Experience points to level-up. When reaching Level 10, the Trainer is awarded one VIP Ticket Icon.png VIP Ticket which is activated automatically, and when reaching Level 15, the Trainer earns 50 Gems Icon.png Gems. Every time a user increases in level, the Trainer's Portal Energy Icon.png Portal Energy and Arena Energy Icon.png Arena Energy are refilled, and they are awarded Gems. One Gem is awarded for each level from 2 to 15, two Gems from 16 to 29, and three Gems from Level 30 onwards. Starting with Level 111, the amount of experience needed to level up stays the same for each level.

Other Level Rewards

In addition to leveling rewards, new features are unlocked at certain player levels. Features unlocked seen by accessing the Player Profile Icon.png Player Profile through the icon in the top-left corner of the main screen, then tapping the Hall of Fame button.

See Hall of Fame for more information.

Maximum Level

The maximum level is 160, and a total of ‭3,027,985,719‬ Experience Icon.png Experience is needed to reach it. After reaching the maximum level, every time the same experience from the last level is reached, Portal Energy Icon.png Portal Energy and Arena Energy Icon.png Arena Energy are refilled, a random Max Level Reward Icon.png Max Level Reward is given.

Chance Reward
3% Gems Icon.png 5
6% Gems Icon.png 3
8% VIP Ticket Icon.png 1
8% Dragon Fury Essence Icon.png 1
15% Gems Icon.png 1
15% Scrolls Icon.png 5
19% Food Icon.png 1,000
26% Gold Icon.png 10,000

Level Capacity

Update Cap
1.1 60
1.3 70
1.5 75
1.6 80
1.9 85
2.0 90
2.2 100
2.4 105
2.6 110
2.7 120
2.8 130
2.9 135
3.2 140
3.6 150
4.6 160

Habitats Limit

For Trainers who are Player Levels 1 to 4, the maximum number of Habitats allowed is 4. From Level 5 onward, the maximum number of Habitats is equal to the Trainer's Level, meaning the capacity is increased by 1 every level increase, except for levels 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150 and 155 which all increase the limit by 2.

The number of Divine, Ancient, or Tyrant Habitats allowed is additionally limited to the number of Dragons of Divine/Ancient/Tyrant Dragons owned, respectively, plus one. This means a Trainer with no Divine, Ancient, or Tyrant Dragons can build only one Divine, Ancient, or Tyrant Habitat, while a Trainer with 3 Divine, Ancient, or Tyrant Dragons can build 4, regardless if the total Habitat capacity is higher than that limit. Lastly, Boss Habitats can be bought only once at least one Boss Dragon has been unlocked.

The limit can also be increased through the use of the Habitat Limit Extender Icon.png Habitat Limit Extender.

See Also


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