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(Redirected from Upgrading Farms)
Farm - Level 4.png
A way to a Dragon's heart is through its belly. Grow Food here. Upgrade your Farms to grow better Food and make your Dragons happy!
Produce Food to level Dragons.

Cost: 1,000 (plus upgrades)
Requirements: Player Level 2
Upgradable: Yes
Can go in Inventory: Yes

5 x 5

Farms Farms Icon.png are buildings used to produce Food Icon.png Food, a resource needed to feed and level up Dragons. Farms are unlocked upon reaching Player Level 2.

Building Functions

The following function buttons appear when the building is selected:

  1. Upgrade Button.png Upgrade – for upgrading a Farm Farm Icon.png (appears if farm is idle and an upgrade is available).
  2. Farming Button.png Farming – for growing Food Icon.png Food (appears if idle).
    • Speed-Up Button.png Speed-Up – for speeding an ongoing planting, which is when it appears.
  3. Sell Button.png Sell and Inventory Button.png Store – for selling or storing a Farm in Inventory Icon.png Inventory (appears if idle).


Farms Farms Icon.png are obtained by buying them in the Main Shop Icon.png Main Shop in exchange for a certain amount of Gold Icon.png Gold. There is a Trainer Level requirement that must be met to build additional farms, and Farms can also be upgraded. A maximum of 15 farms can be built, and upgrade cost also varies depending on farm Level. Farms in Inventory Icon.png Inventory count toward the limit.


Upgrading Farms Icon.png Farms unlocks the growing of superior types and amounts of Food Icon.png Food. Upgrading is performed by selecting an inactive farm, pressing the Upgrade Button.png Upgrade button, then pressing either:

  • Instant Upgrade  Gems Icon.png – to upgrade in exchange for Gems Icon.png Gems.
  • Upgrade  Gold Icon.png – to upgrade for Gold Icon.png Gold, taking a set time to complete.
Farm Level Cost Building
Trainer Level
Farm - Level 1.png
Gold Icon.png 1,000 15 seconds Experience Icon.png 40 Level 2 Gold Icon.png 250
Farm - Level 2.png
Gold Icon.png 10,000 1 hour Experience Icon.png 400 Level 8 Gold Icon.png 2,750
Farm - Level 3.png
Gold Icon.png 200,000 5 hours Experience Icon.png 8,000 Level 20 Gold Icon.png 52,750
Farm - Level 4.png
Gold Icon.png 2,500,000 1 day Experience Icon.png 100,000 Level 60 Gold Icon.png 677,750
Total / Farm: Gold Icon.png 2,711,000 1 day, 6 hours
and 15 seconds
Experience Icon.png 108,440 -
x 15 Farms: Gold Icon.png 40,665,000 Experience Icon.png {{formatnum:108440 - Gold Icon.png 10,166,250

Level Requirements

Trainer Level requirements gradually increase up to the maximum:

Trainer Level Farm Limit
Level 2 Farm Icon.png 1
Level 4 Farm Icon.png 2
Level 5 Farm Icon.png 3
Level 7 Farm Icon.png 4
Level 10 Farm Icon.png 5
Level 13 Farm Icon.png 6
Level 16 Farm Icon.png 7
Level 19 Farm Icon.png 8
Level 22 Farm Icon.png 9
Level 25 Farm Icon.png 10
Level 28 Farm Icon.png 11
Level 30 Farm Icon.png 12
Level 60 Farm Icon.png 13
Level 80 Farm Icon.png 14
Level 100+ Farm Icon.png 15


Hungry Dragon.png

Farming is performed by selecting a Farm Icon.png Farm, pressing the Farming Button.png Farming button, and then selecting an available type of Food Icon.png Food to grow. Different types of foods are produced, divided into four tiers for each level of a farm. Food that is currently locked by Player Level appears grayed out and cannot be selected. When food is ready to be harvested, the Food Notification Icon.png Food Notification appears above each farm, tapping it collects the food.

At Player Level 25, if four or more farms are built, the Multi-plant button appears. When pressed, this option plants the same type of food in all idle farms, and displays the number of farms to produce it. Members of Clan, have the option to plant Clan Food requiring the same amount of time and Gold Icon.png Gold as their original form, but yielding more food.

Farming Calculator The DML Planner Farming function provides a way to calculate what types of Food Icon.png Food to Farm Icon.png Farm, based on:
  • Farm level.
  • Gold possessed/budgeted.
  • Number of farms owned.
  • Minimum to-harvest duration.
  • Maximum to-harvest duration.
  • Farm Gold production per hour.
Calculating farming parameters before farming can help optimize production and reduce Gold expense.

Read more about this sister project, the DML Planner made by Toomas, a DML community member.

Farm - Level 4.png

Per Planting Maximum

See Food for other calculations.

Farm Level Food 15 Farms
Amount[1] Cost Experience
Farm - Level 1.png
Food - Spiky Cherry.png Spiky Cherry Food Icon.png 75 Gold Icon.png 225 Experience Icon.png 15
Food - Purplemon.png Purplemon Food Icon.png 375 Gold Icon.png 2,250 Experience Icon.png 90
Food - Sour Cone.png Sour Cone Food Icon.png 1,125 Gold Icon.png 11,250 Experience Icon.png 450
Food - Clan Sour Cone.png Clan Sour Cone Food Icon.png 1,275
Farm - Level 2.png
Food - Blue Hazel.png Blue Hazel Food Icon.png 3,000 Gold Icon.png 22,500 Experience Icon.png 900
Food - Clan Blue Hazel.png Clan Blue Hazel Food Icon.png 3,300
Food - Dragonscale.png Dragonscale Food Icon.png 6,000 Gold Icon.png 60,000 Experience Icon.png 2,400
Food - Dragolandic Berry.png Dragolandic Berry Food Icon.png 22,500 Gold Icon.png 225,000 Experience Icon.png 9,000
Farm - Level 3.png
Food - Star Fruit.png Star Fruit Food Icon.png 75,000 Gold Icon.png 900,000 Experience Icon.png 36,000
Food - Clan Star Fruit.png Clan Star Fruit Food Icon.png 82,500
Food - Spring Cherry.png Spring Cherry Food Icon.png 112,500 Gold Icon.png 3,000,000 Experience Icon.png 120,000
Food - Sweetroot.png Sweetroot Food Icon.png 750,000 Gold Icon.png 12,000,000 Experience Icon.png 480,000
Farm - Level 4.png
Food - Squarey Berry.png Squarey Berry Food Icon.png 600,000 Gold Icon.png 24,000,000 Experience Icon.png 960,000
Food - Candied Pear.png Candied Pear Food Icon.png 1,950,000 Gold Icon.png 37,500,000 Experience Icon.png 1,500,000
Food - Royal Fig.png Royal Fig Food Icon.png 1,800,000 Gold Icon.png 54,000,000 Experience Icon.png 2,160,000
Food - Clan Royal Fig.png Clan Royal Fig Food Icon.png 1,980,000
  1. The amount is increased by 1.5 whenever a Food Frenzy day is occurring.

Per Hour Maximum

Type Farm Level Price Duration Food[1] Experience Cost/Food Duration/Food Food/Hour Cost/Hour
Spiky Cherry - Level 1 Farm Spiky Cherry 1
Farm - Level 1.png
Gold Icon.png 15 30 seconds Food Icon.png 5 Experience Icon.png 1 3 6 seconds 600 1,800
Purplemon - Level 1 Farm Purplemon Gold Icon.png 150 5 minutes Food Icon.png 25 Experience Icon.png 6 6 12 seconds 300 1,800
Sour Cone - Level 1 Farm Sour Cone Gold Icon.png 750 30 minutes Food Icon.png 75 Experience Icon.png 30 10 24 seconds 150 1,500
Sour Cone - Level 1 Farm Clan Sour Cone Gold Icon.png 750 30 minutes Food Icon.png 85 Experience Icon.png 30 10 24 seconds 170 1,500
Blue Hazel - Level 2 Farm Blue Hazel 2
Farm - Level 2.png
Gold Icon.png 1.5K 2 hours Food Icon.png 200 Experience Icon.png 60 7.5 36 seconds 100 750
Blue Hazel - Level 2 Farm Clan Blue Hazel Gold Icon.png 1.5K 2 hours Food Icon.png 220 Experience Icon.png 60 7.5 36 seconds 110 750
Dragonscale - Level 2 Farm Dragonscale Gold Icon.png 4K 6 hours Food Icon.png 400 Experience Icon.png 160 10 54 seconds 66.67 666.67
Dragolandic Berry - Level 2 Farm Dragolandic Berry Gold Icon.png 15K 12 hours Food Icon.png 1.5K Experience Icon.png 600 10 29 seconds 125 1,250
Star Fruit - Level 3 Farm Star Fruit 3
Farm - Level 3.png
Gold Icon.png 60K 1 day Food Icon.png 5K Experience Icon.png 2.4K 12 17 seconds 208.33 2,500
Star Fruit - Level 3 Farm Clan Star Fruit Gold Icon.png 60K 1 day Food Icon.png 5.5K Experience Icon.png 2.4K 12 17 seconds 229.17 2,500
Spring Cherry - Level 3 Farm Spring Cherry Gold Icon.png 200K 1 hour Food Icon.png 7.5K Experience Icon.png 8K 26.67 0.48 seconds 7,500 200,000
Sweetroot - Level 3 Farm Sweetroot Gold Icon.png 800K 2 days Food Icon.png 50K Experience Icon.png 32K 16 3.46 seconds 1,041.67 16,666.67
Squarey Berry - Level 4 Farm Squarey Berry 4
Farm - Level 4.png
Gold Icon.png 1.6M 6 hours Food Icon.png 40K Experience Icon.png 64K 40 0.54 seconds 6,666.67 266,666.67
Candied Pear - Level 4 Farm Candied Pear Gold Icon.png 2.5M 2 days Food Icon.png 130K Experience Icon.png 100K 19.23 1.33 seconds 2,708.33 52,083.33
Royal Fig - Level 4 Farm Royal Fig Gold Icon.png 3.6M 1 day Food Icon.png 120K Experience Icon.png 144K 30 0.72 seconds 5,000 150,000
Royal Fig - Level 4 Farm Clan Royal Fig Gold Icon.png 3.6M 1 day Food Icon.png 132K Experience Icon.png 144K 30 0.72 seconds 5,500 150,000
  1. The amount is increased by 1.5 whenever a Food Frenzy Day is occurring.

See Food for an overview of all food types and alternate obtainment methods.

Time Reduction

Sporadically, the Gem Ad Notification Icon.png Gem Ad Notification appears above a random farm, tapping it gives the option to watch an advertisement video in exchange for 1 Gem.

Selecting a farm during production provides the Speed-Up Button.png Speed-Up button, displaying ad Videos Icon.png Videos available to watch in exchange for up to an 8-hour time reduction, or the number of Gems Icon.png Gems needed to skip the remaining time. Selecting the latter option displays time left until the food can be harvested, and the Skip All   Gems Icon.png button. Members of Clans can also use a Clan Fortress Power Icon.png Clan Fortress Power, which reduces all ongoing farm timers, depending on Clan Fortress and Clan League level.

The Gem cost for skipping timers is calculated using the formula: (TimeInSeconds ^ -0.46) * 0.12 * TimeInSeconds and the final result is rounded up by 1 if it is between the 1-10 range, and rounded up by 5 if it is between the 10-100 range. For example:

Food production time is influenced by the Relic of Farming Icon.png Relic of Farming, which is usable by selecting a Farm Icon.png Farm, pressing the Speed-Up Button.png button, then pressing the   Skip Relic of Farming Icon.png button. Once activated, the relic decreases the timer of all farms by 8 hours. A maximum of 10 can be obtained through the use of regular In-Game Currency for storage in Inventory Icon.png Inventory, more can be stored if obtained by other methods such as event prizes.

Outside the Farm, the time can also be reduced through forging Chronosian Seals or activating Chronos Icon.png Chronos's power, either reducing several timers in the game by 6 hours.

Selling & Storing

Farms can be stored or sold, by selecting a farm and pressing either the Inventory Button.png Inventory button or the Sell Button.png Sell button, then pressing the Yes button; pressing the No button cancels either action. Selling or storing a Farm is not allowed if Food Icon.png Food is being produced by it.

The selling price of a farm is 25% of the total amount of Gold Icon.png Gold the Trainer has invested in it. For example, a Level 1 farm costs 1,000 Gold to build, selling it yields 250 Gold; whereas a Level 3 Farm requires a total of 211,000 Gold from building and upgrading; thus selling yields 52,750 Gold.


All farms are 5x5 square tiles in size, regardless of level. A single object is moved by pressing and holding it until move options activate, indicated by X Edit Mode Icon.png Check Mark Icon.png buttons below it and move arrows on each side. Green move arrows indicate sufficient space in the currently chosen area to place an item, gray arrows indicate not enough. Move the object by dragging, or by pressing the move arrows or the destination, then press the Check Mark Icon.png or X button to accept or cancel.

Edit Mode moves multiple objects, once move options are activated as described above, after pressing the Edit Mode Icon.png button. Moving or swapping instructions appear:

  • Select one or more objects to move them at the same time.
  • Swap two objects by selecting them and pressing the Swap Icon.png button.
  • Store multiple objects in inventory by selecting them and pressing the Inventory Icon.png Inventory button (for eligible buildings or objects only).

Dragging or pressing a destination a does not move objects in Edit Mode, the initial state is selection-only; instead, pressing the Move Icon.png Move button enables these options, the base of all objects turns green or gray indicating if there's enough space to move the items to as a unit.

  • Selected objects are moved exactly parallel to their former positions, any destination must have the corresponding spaces freed for a successful move.
  • The Inventory Icon.png Inventory button only appears if all selected items are eligible for inventory storage, and appears below the last item selected.
  • Objects cannot be selected from different islands at the same time.


See Also

  • Food, for a complete overview of food types and different obtainment methods.
  • Dragon Leveling, for a complete overview of dragon levelling and food requirements.


  • Update 7.7: Added an 8-hour skip time option in exchange for watching an ad video.
  • Update 7.6: Added the Clan Fortress time reduction Power option to the Farms time reduction dialog.
  • Update 6.2: Added Clan foods: Clan Sour Cone, Clan Blue Hazel, Clan Star fruit, and Clan Royal Fig.
  • Update 5.1: Made Farms able to be sped up again when visiting and helping other players.
  • Update 4.7: Introduced Relics, one of them, the Relic of Farming, dedicated to reducing the timer on individual Farms.
  • Update 4.4: Added signs above Farms when they are idle.
  • Update 4.0: Increased the Farm limit to 15.
    • Reduced the harvesting time of Candied Pear to 2 days.
  • Update 3.6: Made the Multi-Plant option available from Player Level 7 instead of 20.
  • Update 3.3: Added option to watch videos in exchange for Gems whenever this option appears above Farms.
  • Update 1.8: Introduced the option to store Farms in the Inventory.
  • Update 1.4: Added a new upgrade for Farms and three new Food options.
  • Update 1.3: Added a mass-planting option, meaning the same type of Food can be planted at once on empty Farms.
  • Update 1.0: Introduced.

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