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Cockatrice Dragon

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Switch Arrow Left.png    Cockatoo Dragon Icon.png  Cockatoo Dragon
Cockerel Dragon  Cockerel Dragon Icon.png    Switch Arrow Right.png

Cockatrice Dragon.png
Cockatrice Dragon.png
Cockatrice Dragon Baby.png
Cockatrice Dragon Egg.png
Cockatrice Dragons are, strangely, born from yolk-less eggs. It's said that both their gaze and their breath are deadly! This trainer can verify that the breath bit has SOME merit to it.

Rarity Epic
Shadow Wind Earth
Health 206 Health Icon.png
Attack 66 Attack Icon.png
Gold/Hour 530 Gold Icon.png
Experience 1,100 Experience Icon.png
Selling Cost 11,450 Dragon Selling Icon.png
Base DCP 105 Dragon Collector Points Icon.png

Availability Dragon League
Method League Promotion
Trophies 13,400 Golden Trophy Icon.png
League Legendary Legendary League Icon.png
Cost 1,642 Gems Icon.png


Breeding Time 20 Hours [1]
Hatching Time 1 Day & 4 Hours
VIP Breeding 16 Hours [1]
VIP Hatching 22 Hours & 56 Minutes
Game Update Update 6.2
  1. 1.0 1.1 This Breeding time is merely representative as this Dragon can only be bred during special events.


The Body Shape of the Cockatrice Dragon is Winged. Its greenish-brown head is topped by a row of three pointed, carmine ridges serving as its comb. Below its comb, two brown, four-ridged horns appear on the sides starting from the beak and curving gradually upwards. The upper beak is pale, dusty orange, dipping between the nostrils, with two soft spikes pointed downward, on the upper beak. The lower beak is deeper orange and lacks any spikes. The eyes have thick, carmine edging pointed up at the end, and show carmine irises and brown sclera. A small, carmine wattle hangs below the Dragon's chin, while three beige, overlapping, ridged plates cover its neck and lower jaw. Blue feather-like scales cover the body, getting larger as they move away from its greenish-brown underbelly and to its two legs.

The wings are composed, from top to underside, of a layer each of pale blue, azure, and carmine feathers, with a pale pink claw protruding from the apex. A large, carmine feather also extends from the body below the wings to their membrane. The Cockatrice Dragon's thighs are covered in light teal scales, and three long, matching "feathers" curve sideways like a decorative "frill" jutting from where the legs connect to the body. The feet are pale orange, and show three brown claws and a dewclaw. The body fades to a light green tail with sparse rounded scales running down it, approaching the beige triangular plate at its tip like a mounted "arrowhead". Three small spikes form a line down the top of the tail, increasing slightly in size as they too approach the tip. The Dragon is based on a cockatrice, a mythical serpent with the body of a lizard or dragon and the head of a rooster.

Enchantment Materials Requirements

Enchantment Star 1.png Enchantment Star 2.pngEnchantment Star 2.png Enchantment Star 3.pngEnchantment Star 3.pngEnchantment Star 3.png Enchantment Star 4.pngEnchantment Star 4.pngEnchantment Star 4.pngEnchantment Star 4.png Enchantment Star 5.png Enchantment Star 6.pngEnchantment Star 6.png Enchantment Star 7.pngEnchantment Star 7.pngEnchantment Star 7.png Enchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.png Enchantment Star 9.png Enchantment Star 10.pngEnchantment Star 10.png Enchantment Star 11.pngEnchantment Star 11.pngEnchantment Star 11.png Enchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.png
14 Average Materials - Shadow.png 21 Good Materials - Shadow.png 25 Excellent Materials - Shadow.png 28 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 23 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 25 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 27 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 30 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 33 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 36 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 40 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 44 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png
14 Average Materials - Wind.png 32 Average Materials - Wind.png 25 Excellent Materials - Wind.png 28 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 23 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 25 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 27 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 30 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 33 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 36 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 40 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 44 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png
14 Average Materials - Earth.png 32 Average Materials - Earth.png 32 Good Materials - Earth.png 39 Excellent Materials - Earth.png 23 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 25 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 27 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 30 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 33 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 36 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 40 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 44 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png


Level Health Attack Gold/Hour
1 206 66 530
10 1,063 341 1,862
20 6,582 2,109 3,342
30 40,750 13,056 4,822
40 252,311 80,838 6,302
50 1,562,242 500,524 7,782
60 9,672,990 3,099,114 9,262
70 59,892,604 19,188,893 10,742
80 370,839,219 118,812,565 12,222
90 2,296,138,701 735,656,088 13,702
100 14,217,085,627 4,554,988,599 15,182
120 545,048,940,832 174,627,330,558 18,142
125 1,356,256,180,452 434,528,679,174 18,882
120Enchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.png 43,329,672,367,715 13,882,322,214,899 18,142
125Enchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.png 107,818,090,346,030 34,543,660,013,777 18,882


The Cockatrice Dragon is an Arena-Prize Dragon which is obtained only once if the Trainer is promoted to the appropriate league through accumulating 13,400 trophies.

Once the Cockatrice Dragon is obtained and then subsequently housed on an island, duplicate eggs can be purchased through the Dragon Codex in exchange for 1,642 Gems Icon.png Gems.

Incubating and subsequently hatching the acquired egg of this Dragon takes 1 day, 4 hours and 40 minutes. With an active VIP Status of Level 2 or higher, the hatching time is reduced to 22 hours and 56 minutes.

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